
Fallout 4 exclamation mark
Fallout 4 exclamation mark

Much of the following text comes from the timeline in Fallout Bible 0, written by Chris Avellone, which in turn comes from the original Fallout timeline created by Brian Freyermuth and Scott Campbell. Also, the timeline is only for the chronological sequence of the Fallout world events birthdates should be placed on the birthdates page. So, while it takes place in the future, it is not our future, but the future as imagined in traditional 1950s science fiction. Note that the Fallout world is not our own, but rather diverged from ours soon after World War II. What follows is the most complete Fallout timeline ever compiled.

  • 2.70 1950s: Estimated point of Divergence.

  • Fallout 4 exclamation mark